A Warmer Home

Warmer, drier homes are healthier to live in

A Safer Home

The peace of mind you and your family deserve

A Quieter Home

Advanced uPVC materials, sealing and glazing provide superior noise reduction

New Builds and Renovations

We supply and install in both new homes and renovations & add-ons

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Why uPVC Windows & Doors?

uPVC Windows and Doors are made of a range of high quality local and European components to ensure you the best thermal insulation, noise insulation and security. You can be confident that our solutions will be able to handle the toughest kiwi conditions. Our award-winning solutions help achieve warmer, safer, quieter and greener homes, ensuring high levels of comfort for you and your family. More info


We use a range of high quality local and European components to ensure you get the best thermal insulation, noise insulation and security to handle even the toughest Kiwi conditions.


At Future Windows we provide a team of qualified builders with qualified licence building practitioners (LBP) as team leaders. With over 20 years of combined industry experience we’ve installed thousands of uPVC units.


Get answers to all the most frequently asked questions you may have about our uPVC Windows and Doors. Learn about the features, variations and installation methods of uPVC compoments.

Why Choose Us?

From site survey to installation, Future Windows provides custom made uPVC windows and doors to your specifications. We also offer consulting services in replacing your existing wooded windows and doors.

Superior Quality

High Durability

Energy Efficient

If you have an enquiry about any of our products, installations or simply wish to request for a quote; Please contact us today!